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E.T.O.[Especial Technical Organization]

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 自分にとって最初のオリジナルのCGのシリーズです。干支は東洋の占星術に使われる星座のような呪術的なシンボルを意味します。  It is the series of the first original CG for itself. Zodiac signs mean a curse method like the constellation used for the Oriental astrology like symbol. 
魔法世界OZ[OZ the Magic World]

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 自分にとって2つめのオリジナルCGシリーズです。実はまだ完結していません。RPG的な幻想世界を描いてみたくて挑戦しました。でも、世界を描くというのは難しいですね。  It is the second original CG series for itself. As a matter of fact, it hasn't been completed yet. It wanted and tried to try to draw the RPG-like fantasy world. However, it is difficult at that the world is drawn. 
ちょっとアブな絵[A little Bizarre pictures]

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 ビザールな絵は好きです。ちょっと試しに描いてみました。私の絵にはセクシーさというものが足りないんですね。 It likes bizarre pictures. It tried to draw it on trial a little. It is short of thing that it is sexy in my picture.
いただきものA present to me

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 ネットの知り合いが送ってくれたCGです。と言っても一つしかありませんが。 It is CG which the acquaintance of the net sent.
Even if it says, there is only one.

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Now, 3DCG is training itself. But, 3D is difficult.
The sentence of this page isn't translated into English, either. I am sorry.

There are many things that the sentence of the story is being attached to CG that it can be read from this page.  But, they aren't translated into English.  It is only Japanese.  Approve it.